

Anxiety Counseling

Our therapists can help you with these issues:

  • Anxiety directly related to a stressful life event or transition: Graduating high school, moving, loss of job, marriage, new baby, death of a loved one.
  • Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and often avoid places or situations.
  • Anxiety disorder due to a medical condition includes symptoms of intense anxiety or panic that are directly caused by a physical health problem. We have a variety of anxiety treatment options.
  • Generalized anxiety includes persistent and excessive anxiety and worry about activities or events — even ordinary, routine issues. The worry is out of proportion to the actual circumstance, is difficult to control, and affects how you feel physically.
  • Panic attacks involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks).
  • Social anxiety (social phobia) involves high levels of anxiety, fear and avoidance of social situations due to feelings of embarrassment, self-consciousness and concern about being judged or viewed negatively by others.
  • Substance-induced anxiety is characterized by symptoms of intense anxiety or panic that are a direct result of misusing drugs, taking medications.

Treating anxiety and depression is a brave step forward, no matter where you are starting. Thank you for trusting us to walk the path with you!

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